Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Acorn and squirrel's rda

Today as being Wednesday means its Acorn and squirrels day.
I got there for 12pm today as I was going to be teaching the first ride as Sue who normally takes it was away, all six riders were there today.
They are all really good at getting on, even Gail who is quite severely disabled is able to get on quite well, with the fact our mounting block is able to move up and down, it is also large enough to have a wheelchair on. ( We did a lot of fundraising to be able to have it made as having hydraulics it cost a lot of money.)
  I don't often teach these riders, today I got them doing lots of stretching exercises, stopping and starting at letters around the school, I also got them steering around cones and changing direction across the school.
  I also gave them rings that they had to place on cones around the school, which made them bend and stretch down towards the cone on the ground.  Gail made me smile today, as she was very determined that she was going to place the ring on the cone on her own, she even told me that I wasn't allowed to lift up the cone to help her. She did it. I got the riders to place the ring on the cone first using one hand and next time using the other hand.
  We finished off the ride having a race down the school, they had to stop on the B - E line and stretch for their horse's ears and tail before carrying on to finish.

In the second session we had only three riders today as one was away, I got them to do a lot of steering through  cones and a lot of stopping which is working on improving their balance.
I got these riders to place the rings on cones as well.
I was really impressed with Roxy today as her legs are really beginning to relax down more and her balance has improved no end.

Chatting to Roxy and her carer today about Roxy being on the radio article, she told me that she is doing work experience as a radio presenter  with Seale-hayne, as they have their own radio station. I shall need to listen before next week to it.

Tonight I filled out the form and wrote out a cheque for the RDA coaching conference which is being held at Warwickshire college at the beginning of November. The provisional programme looks good, more on this another time when its confirmed,
shall post it off in the morning on the way to work. 

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