Bits and bobs

Some poems that I have found .

I Saw A Child
I saw a child who couldn’t walk, 
sit on a horse, laugh and talk. 
Then ride it through a field of daisies 
and yet he could not walk unaided.
I saw a child, no legs below, 
sit on a horse, and make it go 
through woods of green 
and places he had never been 
to sit and stare, 
except from a chair.
I saw a child who could only crawl 
mount a horse and sit up tall 
Put it through degrees of paces 
and laugh at the wonder in our faces
I saw a child born into strife, 
Take up and hold the reins of life 
and that same child was heard to say, 

Thank God for showing me the way.
by John Anthony Davies

Let Me Teach You
When you are tense, let me teach you to relax.
When you are short tempered, let me teach you to be patient.
When you are short sighted, let me teach you to see.
When you are quick to react, let me teach you to be thoughtful.
When you are angry, let me teach you to be serene.
When you feel superior, let me teach you to be respectful.
When you are self absorbed, let me teach you to think of greater things.
When you are arrogant, let me teach you humility.
When you are lonely, let me be your companion.
When you are tired, let me carry the load.
When you need to learn, let me teach you.
After all, I am your horse.
by Willis Lamm

Thou shall:
Practice “Safe First”
Do no harm to any rider
Present a professional appearance
Have a daily lesson plan appropriate to rider’s disability
Be a task master: of your self and those around you
Simplify words and actions
Be creative, be resourceful
Bring each rider to his full potential, challenge each rider
Recognize your own areas of strength, and limitations
Inspire confidence
Enjoy yourself while teaching, enjoy your riders.
by Jean M. Tebay (as printed in “Therapeutic Riding I Strategies for Instruction Part I”)


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