About this blog.

A bit about me.

My name is Helene, I live in Devon which is a lovely part of the British Isles.
I started riding when I was 4yrs and have been involved with horses ever since.
My first ride was actually on a donkey on the Cleethorpes beach just before my fourth birthday, I remember it well, I then went to the local riding stables where after getting off the pony after the first lesson, I told my parents that I was going to teach people to ride when I was older.
I gained my BHSAI and then became interested in teaching the disabled rider and so went on to gain my RDAI. I also have the UK CC Level 2.
I am also listed on the dressage trainers database.
I am also a certified practitioner of NLP.

Presently I am self-employed, I also regularly judge and course build at local unaffiliated horse events.
I am also the RDA county Instructor for Somerset.

The reason for this blog.
One of the things that I am always being asked when visiting groups and talking to fellow Instructors and coaches is new lesson ideas and plans to keep riders motivated and help in their riding therapy.

I primarily wanted to start this blog to keep all my lesson plans, ideas that I have used or found, list resources that I have come across all in one place.

My friends  often ask what I do and how my riders are getting on, so keeping this blog will enable them to read the goings on with my riders.

Looking on the internet for ideas for use in riding therapy sessions I found very little resources, so I am happy to share with fellow Instructors and coaches.

If you wish to use any of the ideas then your more than welcome, Please remember that these are my own views and it is only a blog. So its up to you how and what you chose to use.

If you have any ideas that you would like to add to increase the resource then let me know and I am happy to add them.


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