I had the cones placed out in a zig zag for a change, as it made it a little more challenging for the riders, as they had to think about not only steering around the cones but also going from the track on to the 5m line and back to the track.
I used the layout in the following ways. The riders did all these exercises on both reins.
- I got riders to steer through the cones, I also got the riders to stop by each cone and count to a number before walking on. Then I gave riders a number and they had to count the cones and then stop at the corresponding cone for that number.
- I used the poles to get riders to steer through the poles off the track, they had to turn and go through the poles on the centre line and then back through the next pair of poles to re-join the track.
- I got the riders stopping their ponies and horses through the poles, sometimes they were asked to count up to a number.
- I had items placed on the uprights, so riders practised stopping between the uprights, then moved an item from one side to the other side.
- Riders were also asked to carry an item from the uprights, through the cones and then through the poles before replacing it back on to the upright.
- As well as weaving through the cones, I asked the riders to do a circle right around each cone before moving on to do the same at the next cone.
As well as steering being an aim of these sessions today, I wanted to get riders thinking of being aware of the other riders in the school and to look where they were going. They had to stop and wait while riders did the different obstacles if they had caught up before the rider in front of them had completed the set task.
Everyone enjoyed their riding today.
Having tea and biscuits with the helpers afterwards they said they were very impressed with how the rider that they were working with completed the various tasks.